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Cinema Studies: Copyright & Fair Use

Resources for cinema studies

Copyright & Fair Use

Creative Commons

Public domain, Creative Commons Attribution and Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike licenses permit the artist free reign to copy, alter, and redistribute someone else's original work within a new work (derivative work)

public domain Public Domain
This mark indicates that a work is known to be in the public domain (no longer covered by copyright restrictions)

attribution Attribution
This license lets others alter and distribute copies of the original work, even commercially, as long as they give credit for the original creation

attributionshare Attribution-ShareAlike
This license lets others alter and distribute copies of the original work, even commercially, as long as they give credit for the original creation and allow others to copy, alter, and distribute the work under the same terms

attributionnoncommercial Attribution-NonCommercial
This license lets others alter and distribute a work non-commercially, as long as they give credit for the original creation

noncommercialshare Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
This license lets others alter and distribute a work non-commercially, as long as they give credit for the original creation and allow others to copy, alter, and distribute the work under the same terms

noderivs Attribution-NoDerivs
This license allows for redistribution of a work, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit for the original creation (derivative works not allowed)

noncommercialnoderivs Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
This license allows for non-commercial redistribution of a work, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit for the original creation

attributionThe content in this Creative Commons Libguide box is derived from a page on the Creative Commons website under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

Film Licensing

Any showing of a film or DVD outside of a specific class will fall outside of the "face-to-face instruction" rule; obtain a license to show films to a public audience on campus

William R. and Norma B. Harvey Library

©2016 Hampton University
Hampton, VA 23668 : 757.727.5000